Friday, January 15, 2010

The Greatest of These...

So I actually wrote a song.

My first song.

And I was singing it today and my boss mentioned that there was a lot of emotion behind it, which I figured there would be...but I of course love that it comes through, because that's why I wrote the song. Yes, I also wrote it for my friends Matt and Becky's wedding (ONE WEEK LEFT!) but as I began to plan, I began to think that I wanted to bless them more than just write some lame love song.

SO I turned to God and asked Him what He wanted me to say as a blessing to these two dear friends, but also as a song to Him.

Love is not a human concept. It is Divinely inspired. We love because He first loved us. I cannot love without Him loving me or without walking in this unconditional, gracious, passionate love. God has taken me through some ridiculous growth in the last while and it's been so encouraging to have Jesus reinforce what I mean to Him.

Through all this I know who I am in Him and my identity in Him. He's been there protecting me, guiding me, providing for me, loving me and singing over me with such a diligence and grace that has overcome me. And yet though He does this for me, He is captivated by me, overcome by my gaze, sees me as a lily amongst the thorns.

"I was made for love..."

Lord deeply root that into my heart. Though men break promises YOU have never failed me.

I am free. Heavenly Father I am free and victorious in you!

"Whom the Son sets free is free indeed and there ain't no chain that can hinder me!"

I've hurt so much but God's love has brought me through, refining me and transforming me. Through this process of self-realization, I've come to discover what I would do for love. In this case, earthly love.

I wrote it down a few months ago. It was more or less my promise to whoever God has planned for me of what I believe love is and what love does--how for it will go bearing in mind that this love is not just my own love or strength, but the love poured out on me ever so graciously and generously from my Saviour and King.

God pointed out Scriptures to me that were relevant to this, primarily in the Song of Solomon and of course 1 Corinthians 13.

And from there came my song. While the song came out kind of none specific, it reflects my heart for love and I truly believe it reflects my Beloved's heart.

It is the story of a girl, dark, but lovely being woo'd by The King.

"What is love?

Won't you tell me what is love?

Is it the words you say,

The songs you sing,

The way you look inside me?

What is love?

Tell me what is love?"

"You have ravished my heart,

Your eyes of devotion have captured me,

You are my love,

You're so beautiful,

You're my Bride,

You're the apple of my eye"

"What is love?"

"This love waits for you,

Is so kind to you,

It never gets too proud.

This love is jealous for you,

And only for you,

It will never be put out.

It will will rejoice in what is good,

And it will leave the rest behind.

Because love bears all things..

It believes in all things...

It hopes and endures all things..."

"What is love?

Tell me what is this love?

It is the words you speak,

It is the songs you sing,

The way you look inside of me...

This is love.

This is love.

I am my Beloved's and He is mine..."

Love B.

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