Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Three in One Plus B

Father God,

Remove this terror from my heart.
The one that sneaks up from behind.
The one that paralyzes me in my tracks,
That whispers lies into my ear.
And seeks to kill and destroy.

You are Sovereign,
You are Lord,
What You decree will be done.
You say You favour me,
You slay my enemies,
Please, Daddy,
Destroy these monsters for your Princess.

You...I haven't the words.
Reveal Yourself to me.
Reveal Your character, Father God.
There is so much for me to learn.
I need my Daddy.
There is more than what I currently have.
I am missing something important.
What is it?
Show me your Character.
At least, some of the sides that I'm missing.
They are innumerable.
But Everlasting Father.
Alpha. Omega.
My Creator,
Oh Lord Most Sovereign.
I want to know You.
Yahweh. Elohim. Jehovah.
Who are You?
I want to know You.
To hear Your voice.
To be a woman after Your Heart.
I am asking so so so much.
More than my heart can currently understand.
Take me there.
For your Kingdom and for Your Glory.
I love you, Papa.

Beloved Jesus,

You know my pain.
You have lived it, felt it, carried it.
The rejection in Your beautiful heart is eternally greater than mine ever will be.
You have already healed mine so much.
Beautiful that I love. Thank you.
Even now You see my pain that remains and do not turn your gaze.
You say "Beloved, Your emotions are my treasure,
As is ever tear that you shed.
And You hasten, hasten, hasten
Your armies to cover me from all sides.
You are the Knight that saves this Princess.
You are unconquerable, unchanging, unblemished.

You have risen above the world,
Overcome it with your Love.
With your Blood and Grace
You have given me the keys to my freedom
And to unlock Your Heavenly Kingdom.

What love is this, that knows me?
That pursues me, that heals me, that molds me?
That sees through my weakness and sees strength.
That sees through my pain and sees beauty.
That sees through my sin and declares "life".
That sees through my brokenness and says "whole".
That sees past my filthy rags and sees nothing but purity.

The One that has overcome the world looks into my eyes and says,
"Turn your eyes from Me, for they have overcome Me...
You have stolen My Heart with one glance...
Your eyes are like doves, eyes of undistracted devotion"

I am My Beloved's and He is mine.

My Comfort and Friend, Holy Spirit

I love You.
I love You and Your Power.
I love You in Your subtleties.
I love You in Your displays of Mighty Works.
I love Your Mercy, Grace and Care,
I love the way You move in me.
I love the way You stir in me, excite me, convict me, teach me.
I love the way You lift me up.

I adore the way You move mountains,
I marvel at how You can heal any disease, brokenness and past.
I rejoice that You can inspire new tongues,
And let me join the Heavenlies in prayer and intercession.
I love that You welcome me alongside You to fight this fleshless war.
I am floored that You can open my eyes to the things Unseen.
I am astounded that You give me the authority to say to the mountain "Move".
I can't grasp that my words can bring life, healing and freedom.

Only through You.

Without you, I am powerless, hopeless and a slave.

With you, I have freedom, power, authority, grace, peace and abundant joy.
With you, I have Jesus with me at every step.

What more could I ever ask for?

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