Wednesday, February 24, 2010


"This is what Jesus is like to me. This is my testimony. This is the Christ
that I have personally encountered.

He has an immense, immeasurable,and eternal compassion. His compassion is always greater than my sin. He is scandalously forgiving. His mercy burns as it destroys shame.

He has unbounded patience, unending goodness. His love is so compelling, it heals us. It strips away all our pretense and it restores us to happiness.

His grace is the empowering presence within that enables us to feel good about ourselves.

His mercy is His total favor given gladly to an undeserving heart.

He is the kindest person I have ever known.

His goodness is so outrageous and shocking, it's actually disreputable to the religious minded. He's the happiest person I know. He has the sunniest disposition than anybody I've ever met. He is enthusiastically fervent in His pursuit of each one of us.

He is amazingly humble and gentle but He's also this powerful warrior King who loves to fight and laughs at His enemies.

He has this fabulous servant spirit. He dosn't need a title or status or position. But He joyfully sets an example of simple, heartwarming slavery.

His love is enthralling. It captivates and commands us to be the same as Him. His love is designed to overwhelm all things, especially fear, shame, and low self esteem. He loves being trusted. He is delighted and astonished when we use our faith.

He will never keep a record of our sins or our failings. He has mercy that can never be properly understood or articulated, just experienced. The only way we can explain mercy, is by being merciful ourselves. Jesus the Redeemer gives us value in the eyes of the Father. He sees and He speaks to our potential. And He both protects us and releases us to fulfill all that He wants us to see and know about ourselves. We are outrageously loved with an uncommon love.

Oh, on top of all that, He forgives. He is full of forgiveness. He loves to pardon. He loves to release an offender from the legal consequences of a conviction."

From Graham Cooke's Uncommon Love, Disk #2 "Who is God to You?"

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