Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baby of MIne

So, prelude:

I've always wanted to be a mother. I can't remember a time where this wasn't the case. Sometimes God gives me a glimpse of the unconditional love of a parent, of a mother. It's part of learning to love like Him. It's part of learning how He loves me.

And in these moments I feel like my baby (or babies) are already here and my heart is filled with a love that hurts in the most beautiful, fulfilling way.

I'm excited to become a Mami :D (mommy in spanish = mami!!)

Not happening in the foreseeable future, ha! But at the same time it'll also be here before I even realize it's here.

Life has a way of surprising you right?

So I'm greatful that God has used my life experiences to prepare myself to be a Mami.

Because I want to be the best Mami there is :)

And I fully plan on doing everything in my power, aka giving it all to God, so that that baby will always feel loved in every moment. Because my baby will be :) As I am :)

Yes, My God is so good.


I wish I could explain to you how much I already love you.

Even though you may not come for many more years,

Tu mami te quiere.

I've imagined you in my heart and in my mind and I know that the joy and anticipation that I feel is only a glimpse of what it one day will be, but I want you to know that even today, before Jesus decides to create you in me, you are treasured.

On this Earth, you in my arms will bring unrivaled awe, joy, wonder and fear.

Every part of you will be cherished.

And Mami won't let you ever believe otherwise.

For you will be fearfully and wonderfully made by the Magnificent Creator.

In His image.

And I won't ever let you forget it.

You will never be regretted, rejected or resented.

No matter when you come, my heart will rejoice beyond my mere words.

You will be mine.

The greatest accomplishment of my life by the grace of My Saviour.

My life, little one, has opened my eyes to the beauty of you.

Know that you are wanted. Worthy. Loved. Protected. With a mighty destiny.

Nothing less.

You have already stolen this Mami's heart.

Every moment with you will be a gift from our God up in Heaven.

And I thank Him now for every moment I get to have with you.

For every smile to come,

For every tear you shed,

Your Mami is here, with arms wide open,

With my heart already in your hand.

Your mami will always fight for you,

Her fierce protection only superseded but that of our Abba,

Whose love you cannot yet imagine.

I wait patiently for your arrival,

But know, mi corazon, that your arrival will be cause for a great celebration,

Because you are the greatest gift that My Beloved could ever give me on this Earth,

And you will be my treasure.

You are already my treasure.

Mami loves you baby of mine.

Much love,


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