Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What do feelings sound like?

Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent -Victor Hugo

Here's the thing. And this is going to conjure up a royal DUH, but here it goes.

I love music.

For real.

There's something about me that reacts to music in a very powerful way.
I'm most definitely not saying that I'm the only one that this happens to.
That would be one serious hyperbolic statement.

Even for me.

But there's something about about music that does affect me in a particularly unique way. I say it's unique or at the very least rare because I've gotten a lot of confused looks/chuckled at before.

To be fair I'm an exceptionally emotional person, so tears do come quite quickly to me, but there has been times when a solid major sixth interval has made crumble (just ask Christine and Erin).

But music to me has always been a form of expression. Songs have always helped me process what I'm feeling and have been known to put into words the things that were merely a jumble in my head.

It's also helped me to relax, to sleep but also worked me up so much that I have to change the song because I may lose my mind :P

(Side note: Yyes, I also know that I'm a) a performer and b) a worshiper but those are other blogs for other times---today I'll stick to the music that I don't personally create with my own talents)

What is it about music that moves us so? Better yet, what makes it move ME so?

Maybe one day I'll be able to figure out why. For now I just except my reactions for what they are, enjoy the moment and then let my own curiosity try to detect the reasoning behind said reaction.

On a different note, my mind is still continually baffled by the new melodies and harmonies we continue to pull from a piano. The modern piano has been around for over 300 years and my small human mind still seems to think that there seems to be a limited amount of combinations that those 88 keys could produce. (Not saying that the piano is the be all that ends all when it comes to music---better people have been saying less blasphemous statements whilst sitting in the Music Department---but it's just my current point of reference) But after centuries and centuries and honestly millenniums of compositions and little diddies people still manage to be surprised, touched, moved, and affected but songs, be they brand new or centuries old.

The power of music.

God knew what He was doing when He crafted this piece of art. And really to me it MUST be crafted. As I've studied music theory the math involved in music continues to blow me away. It's very regulated and organized. It makes sense. There is absolutely no logical way that the just happened. No way at all. This isn't a creation of man. This is continual discovery of man. Our instruments have simply been crafted to replicate the sounds we hear in nature.

How can something so artistic and so systematic also be the epitome of artistry and expression? It's ironic to me that the name that I associate with math and right triangles, Pythagoras, is also associated with breaking down the modern day musical scale. (That was a mentally confusing day in Music History class.)

Only a brilliant God could pull that off.

But I have completely digressed from my original intent for this blog.

So I will end this blog, which has now become it's own idea and try again.

Much love.

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